
Wright-Austin Air Liquid Separators are designed to separate all entrained water and oil from exhaust air, gas or steam prior to being discharged into the atmosphere or the next stage in the pipeline.  When properly sized they will remove 99% of all liquids and solids greater than 10 microns.
Wright-Austin gas liquid separators are offered in several configurations to accommodate various gas flow paths and can be custom fabricated to meet your specific requirements.  T style air liquid separators are common for smaller pipelines and for high percentages of entrainment.  Some Wright-Austin air liquid separators have built-in drain traps and for those that do not, we offer float style air liquid drain traps to safely drain the fluid from the pipeline without product or pressure loss.
Type DTL gas liquid separators are designed for applications that have a high percentage of solids and CLC coalescer style separators have an extra stage to improve removal efficiency down to 4 microns.  Wright Austin exhaust heads reduce visible condensate plumes and help recover expensive boiler additives.

Product Catalog

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